4 thoughts on “Sydney Health City

  1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
    It originally read, Count not they chickens that unhatched be…
    Examples of Aphorism in Film
    Picture of Benjamin Franklin and a caption that says “Aphorist Extraordinaire”
    People often use this quote when discussing health, but Franklin was talking about fire safety.
    This quote came from Wales, first appearing in an 1866 publication.
    Your stories can benefit from this method too.
    Too many times to count, right.
    If you do, you agree with George Herbert’s famous aphorism from his book, Outlandish Proverbs.
    This famous motto highlights the truism that life is full of ups and downs.
    Michael Corleone from The Godfather II disagreed with that.
    Let me ask you.
    People often use this quote when discussing health, but Franklin was talking about fire safety.
    They’re easy to remember and pass down through generations because they’re concise.
    And then.
    Practice what you preach.

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